Which erectile dysfunction drug is best

Which erectile dysfunction drug is best?

Defining erectile dysfunction or ED

  • ED or erectile dysfunction is the powerlessness of a guy to raise or keep up a proper erection for sex. 
  • However, this is the definition from The International Society for Sexual Medicine. 
  • Besides, ED becomes too much widespread when males grow old. 
  • Moreover, doctors link it with certain medical conditions. 
  • These issues are diabetes and heart ailments. 
  • But, experts also treat it with effective drugs to help men. 
  • Sufferers do not have initially question which erectile dysfunction drug is best. 
  • They use them for eradicating ED.

About ED drugs

  • In this high tech age, the core drugs for managing ED are selective phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors.
  • Moreover, these medicines are extremely effective. 
  • Besides, users tolerate them well. 
  • And their safety profiles are quite satisfactory. 
  • When a patient uses an ED drug, he does not raise an erection immediately. 
  • However, these drugs amplify the outcome of a chemical nitric oxide that your body produces. 
  • Besides, this substance loosens up the muscles inside the member. 
  • Thus, it enhances the blood supply and aids to attain an erection. 
  • These drugs are useless without your mood. But with sexual stimulation, the ED drugs worktop. 
  • Then you do not think which erectile dysfunction drug is better.  

About the best ED drug

  • There exist four types of oral ED medications at present. 
  • Moreover, all of them fall in the same variety of drugsPDE-5 or phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. 
  • These drugs take in Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra), Avanafil (Stendra), and Tadalafil (Cialis). 
  • However, a user can decide which erectile dysfunction drug is best.
  • Data reveals that PDE-5 inhibitors are alike in terms of safety and effectiveness.  
  • However, there are present several differences concerning timings to take them. 
  • Moreover, the influences of food on their absorption also vary. 
  • Besides, there are differences in the period they stay in your body and their side effects.
  • All these aspects aid males in deciding which erectile dysfunction drug is the best.     
  • Moreover, they can choose one as per their lifestyle & needs. 
  • Guys also can consider the choices and prioritizes of their partners. 
  • Moreover, males can come to know about their spontaneity. 
  • And the cost to consume and know which erectile dysfunction drug is best.   
  • In a meta-analysis, experts weighed up the benefits of 3 ED medications—Sildenafil, Vardenafil, and Tadalafil. 
  • Moreover, the survey involved seven-thousand–seven –hundred males. 
  • Researchers found that guys continually opted for Tadalafil (Cialis) in the ratio of 52-65 per cent. 
  • However, the ratio for Vardenafil was 12-20 per cent. 
  • And Sildenafil ratio was 8-30 per cent. 
  • Moreover, experts stated that all three medications were efficacious and safe. 
  • However, Tadalafil provided males with the opportunity to raise an erection anytime throughout thirty-six hours.   
  • In contrast, the other two had a very short period. 
  • This allows users to settle on which erectile dysfunction drug is best.   
  • However, if you wish, a user can weigh up the general features of ED medications. 
  • The given facts together with the personal choices of a user can aid them. 
  • Moreover, lifestyle habits and health consciousness can aid in deciding which erectile dysfunction drug is best for a user.

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The way oral drugs differ

  • All ED medicines act in the same manner. 
  • However, every oral drug shows a bit of a different chemical structure. 
  • But, these slight variations influence the manner every pill acts. 
  • These differences come up as how fast it works to show result and fades away. 
  • Besides, the side effects it has on a user. 
  • However, your GP will reckon these causes. 
  • And they will consider other medical conditions a user is fighting. 
  • Besides, your doctor will tell you about the interactions it can have with other medicines.

Sildenafil (Viagra)

  • This medicine is highly efficacious when the user takes it without food. 
  • However, sixty minutes on an empty stomach before sex makes it top pill. 
  • It has an efficient period of 4 to 5 hours after consumption. 
  • Or it can stay a bit longer if your ED is moderate or mild.
  • Sildenafil Medicine Is Fildena, Cenforce 200, Cenforce 150, Kamagra, Kamagra Oral Jelly, And

Vardenafil (Levitra)

  • This pill is very efficacious when the user takes it sixty minutes before penetration. 
  • Moreover, you can eat it alongside food or without food. 
  • However, a fat-rich diet can affect its quick absorption. 
  • Besides, Vardenafil stays active for 4 to 5 hours. 
  • Or it can stay a bit longer if your ED is moderate or mild. 
  • The latest variant of medicine disintegrates on your tongue. 
  • However, it can act quicker than the tablet a user swallows.
  • Vardenafil Medicine Is Vilitra, Zhewitra, Valif 20, Super Zhewitra, And Many More.

Tadalafil (Cialis)

  • This tablet needs intake without food or with food. 
  • However, a user can eat it 1–2 hours before penetrative sex. 
  • Moreover, it remains working for 36 hours. 
  • A user can eat it in a small dose each day too. 
  • Or a sufferer can take a large dose as per the need. 
  • Moreover, it stays in the body for a pretty long period.
  • Tadalafil Medicine Is Vidalista 40, Vidalista 60, Tadarise, Tadacip, Tadapox, Tadora 20, And Many More

Avanafil (Spendra)

  • A user can eat the pill half an hour before sex with meals or without diet. 
  • Several males accept that it shows effects in 10 to 12 minutes. 
  • However, it depends on the dosage a user uses. 
  • Moreover, the pill keeps up its effect up to 6 hours. 
  • You can also consume three drinks that are a moderate amount with it.
  • Avanafil Medicine Is Super Avana, Avana, And Many More
  1. Since these medications are equally efficacious, the American College of Physicians suggests choice depends on a user. 
  2. Moreover, they say the user can prefer the cost and easy way of taking. 
  3. Besides, the period it stays active and side effects can also prefer a user. 
  4. There are present generic variants of Tadalafil, Sildenafil, and Verdenafil.

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